Monday, June 15, 2015

Interesting Questions !!!

All those brainy people around the world, they have millions of interesting questions in their super smart brains. 
Interesting Questions is a post for the many of few interesting questions people come across and which need to be answered.
Lets begin with a few:
1. Rains are in , but we still struggle to find nice running waterproof shoes, ever wondered why the shoe companies don't put a plastic cover inside them ?
If the shoes are made waterproof then there will be no circulation of air, the feet will be in a state of vacuum, whereas in these days of technology our feet needs to breathe if we wish to run a marathon. 
So we need to come up with a combined effort for sport shoes, using technology and big brains.

The consulting idealist has a solution for waterproof shoes, wait for the next post or comment !!
Follow me on twitter as : @consultingidea

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